
Thursday 31 October 2013

Motivation for Work.: Team Building and Activities

Motivation for Work.: Team Building and Activities: Team-Building Exercises Planning Activities That Actually Work Make sure your team-building event has a purpose. © iStockphoto/Ni...

Tuesday 8 October 2013


1. Believing a guy will change for you
2. Insisting on a guy who clearly doesn't give a
crap about you.
3. Playing hard to get for entirely too long.. Till
you're way past your past your sell by date!
4. Falling for a bad boy.. And putting the good
guys in the "friend zone"
5. Thinking every guy is like your Ex
6. Shaving off your eyebrows completely just to
draw them back on.
7. Blaming the entire male population for one bad

8. Bringing other girls down coz of your own

9. Allowing the same guy to hurt you over and
over.. You've taken him back 41 times.WOW ... it's YOU
who has a problem, not HIM!
10. Ignoring this update and perfecting the same

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Unilever Interns celebrate Nigeria Independence in grand style in an Orphanage

The students undergoing their internship at Unilever Nigeria plc, Ikeja led by example by celebrating the national independence day with the children at the SOS orphanage home iyana-isolo, Lagos. They taught the children about the importance of handwashing and the bestway to wash their hands, which is with a soap and clean water as shown in the pictures below

How to spot a liar: 8 ways to know he’s lying

1. “LEFT”When he uses this word (think: “I left the bar at six” vs. “I went home at six”), there’s some kind of drama involved. Maybe he got stuck in traffic or is hiding something he did that he shouldn’t have.
2. ”NEVER”The big thing to look out for is when he says “never” when “no” will do. It’s a sign he’s overcompensating. For example, if you ask, “Did you just look at that girl’s butt?” and he says, “Never!”
3. ”THAT”Like never, it depends on how he uses it. If he puts “that” in front of a noun, like “that woman” or “that money,” it’s a subconscious attempt for him to distance himself from the word. This is a common trick of manipulators.
4. “WOULD”If he skips “no” and goes straight to “I would never do something like that!” when talking about a past event, be wary. For example, “Are you still talking to your ex?” “I would never do that to you!” “Would never” suggests that he plans to do it in the future.
5. “YES, MA’AM”If your guy is a Southern gentleman, then this doesn’t apply. But if he suddenly says “ma’am” to you out of nowhere, be cautious. It’s a sign that he’s feeling stressed and knows he’s in trouble.
6. “BY THE WAY…”Liars use phrases like this to try to minimize what they say next—but usually it’s what’s most important to the story. Pay extra attention to what he says afterward.
7. “BUT”Liars usually try to downplay what they say with this word, so pay attention when he says something like, “I know this is going to sound strange, but…” or “I know you think I’m lying, but…”
8. “WHY WOULD I DO THAT?”It’s a favorite stalling line of liars, so they can buy a little time to work out what to say next. These phrases also fit the bill: “What kind of person do you think I am?”, “Are you calling me a liar?”, and “I knew this was going to happen to me!”